API Reference

Get information about recent updates to employees' records. This API enables users to identify employees who have been added, changed, or deleted within a specified timeframe. If the "since" date parameter is set to a date prior to the employee's creation date, the API will provide the date when the employee was initially "inserted" into the system. On the other hand, if the "since" date is set to a date after the employee's creation date, the API will return the date when the employee was last "updated". "Since" date into the param and "Last Change Date" in the reponse is in UTC Format.

UTC, stands for Coordinated Universal Time, is a standard timekeeping system used globally. The UTC datetime format follows a specific structure to represent dates and times. The format is as follows:


Here's a breakdown of the elements in the UTC datetime format:

YYYY: Represents the four-digit year.
MM: Represents the two-digit month (01 for January, 02 for February, and so on).
DD: Represents the two-digit day of the month.
T: Separates the date portion from the time portion.
HH: Represents the two-digit hour in 24-hour format (00 for midnight, 01 for 1 AM, and so on).
MM: Represents the two-digit minute.
SS: Represents the two-digit second.
Z: Indicates that the datetime is in UTC by adding the "Z" at the end.
For example, the UTC datetime format for May 24, 2023, at 12:30 PM and 45 seconds would be represented as:


Please note that the UTC datetime format does not account for time zone offsets. It represents the date and time in a standardized, universal format.

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